Have you noticed that since the end of the holiday rush you have been feeling more down or depressed? It seems like once the holidays are over and we head into the winter months, we sometimes start to feel the “winter blues.” It is GREY a lot outside and it gets dark so early that we generally do not see much of the sun. If this is how you are feeling, you are not alone.
Here are some tips to help you get through the winter months:
-Make sure you get enough sleep and eat regularly. Sleep and good nutrition are essential to feeling good, so making sure that you fuel your body with good food as well as resting your mind and body can give you a mood boost.
-Exercise- This does not have to be an intense workout! A 15-minute walk around the block can do wonders for our moods and mental health.
-Get outside- the sunshine, fresh air, and generally being in nature can be very helpful. If you can’t get outside, sitting by a sunny window can be a good substitute.
-Take time to relax/take care of yourself. Self-care is that much more important when we’re going through a tough time. Prioritizing the things that help us feel happy, whole, and help us function at our best is sometimes the first thing to do when we’re in a slump, but it’s often what helps us maintain ourselves while we’re working through things.
-Drink lots of water! This often gets overlooked but our bodies and minds function best with proper hydration, so drink up!
-Quality time with friends and family. This is an important one! Laughing with friends, feeling the warmth of a loved-one, and finding connection through community can be healthy distractions that feed our souls while we’re waiting for spring to arrive.
-Talk with your doctor or healthcare provider about light therapy lamps and/or nutritional supplementation to provide what is lacking during the dark winter months.
-Talk with a mental health provider. Gaining or shifting perspective, learning new tools, and understanding your tendencies better are just a couple of things that therapy can provide that may be helpful to make it through the winter.
These are just a few things that could assist individuals struggling with seasonal depressive symptoms.
Know that you are not alone; this time of the year can be very challenging for many. Take care of yourself and listen to your body and mind as it relates to what your individual needs are.

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