Many of us are really hard on ourselves and experience negative internal dialogues. These internal dialogues show up in every part of our lives, including work, home, when we’re out to dinner with friends, in our relationships, etc. How many times have things like “that was stupid to say” or “You should have…,” circled in your mind? Probably often for many of you. On a positive note, we can reframe these messages and provide ourselves with grace and compassion.
It’s no surprise that our internal dialogues are really powerful! They contribute to the narratives we create about ourselves, our actions, and our lives. By incorporating more self-compassion into our internal dialogues, we shift our negative narratives into ones that are more affirming and validating. How much would our narratives change if we gave ourselves the compassion that we so easily give others? When negative self-talk cycles through our mind, it can be helpful to ask yourself “Would you say that to a friend or even someone you don’t particularly like?” If the answer is NO, then why am I saying this to myself? How can I change this dialogue to show myself more compassion? This can include things like “I am doing the best I can,” “I am kind and try to show up as my authentic self,” or “Slow down and give myself some grace.” There are so many potential ways we can give ourselves self-compassion, but it takes intentional work to shift our narratives.
We must practice giving ourselves grace and self-compassion and by doing so we can create more joy and happiness in our lives. Try consistently putting in the work to slow down your thinking and reframe what you are telling yourself and see if this shift improves your mood and outlook!