Yes, most of us are thinking it and I just said it. I can even say it with a great deal of confidence because the number of people that have been sitting on my couch in the last week dreading holiday togetherness is astounding. As you’re reading this, some of you might be deeming me […]
Positive Thinking
The holiday season is upon us, and we’ve all been there. Waking up the morning after an indulgent night out with friends or going to bed after yet another missed workout, even though you promised yourself that today was the day you’d make a change. Oftentimes, living a healthy life comes with a certain amount […]
A Simple Solution to an Anxiety Problem
Let’s face it…every time we turn around it seems like there is something else for us to be anxious about. School shootings, Ebola panic, natural disasters, neighborhood crime, abductions and more. It probably comes as no surprise that recent research shows that as a population, we are the most anxious that we have ever been. […]
Grief Around the Holidays
It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, there’s a chill in the air, the hot days of summer are all but gone, and the transition from one season to the next is evident everywhere you turn. For many, this time of year is one to look forward to. The cooler weather brings […]