As a mental health therapist, I often see how early life influences shape our resilience, self-worth, and approach to challenges. Psychologist Carol Dweck’s research on mindsets reveals powerful strategies for fostering these qualities, showing that the way we respond to children’s efforts can significantly impact their long-term success and confidence. By focusing on effort over […]
The Hypocrisy in Parenting
The amount of times I hit the “forgot my password“ link in any given month is pretty impressive to say the least. If I change the Netflix password today, it would be a small miracle if I remember it tomorrow without looking at one of the many Post-it notes scattered around the junk drawer in […]
Mom Brain: Why Do I Put My Keys in the Freezer And Call My Kid by the Dog’s Name?! Why Is This Happening and What Can I Do About It?
Mom Brain is a popular term these days. It seems to explain the all-encompassing nature of being a parent or primary caregiver where one’s brain is working in overdrive taking care of children and finding our way in this world, and because of this we can become overwhelmed and forgetful. We sometimes can’t remember what […]
10 Things Your Therapist Hopes You Learned During a COVID Centered Year (Part 2)
This month marks the one year anniversary of “let’s all stay home for two weeks help to flatten curve.” I certainly don’t say that to minimize the importance of doing so but I doubt many people predicted the 12 months that followed. It’s been an interesting ride (similar to being stuck on a malfunctioning roller […]