We feel violated, wronged, and harmed.
Children and the Mental Health Benefits of Reading (Part 1)
As parents, we want to do everything we can to protect our children’s mental and emotional well-being. The good news is the answer could be as close as the nearest library, or even your own bookshelf. According to a study by the National Literacy Trust, children who love reading and writing have better mental well-being. […]
The Power of Words
Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. Most of us have heard this phrase countless times, but its message couldn’t be further from the truth. Words are, in fact, able to hurt us. What we speak to one another has the power to either do good or to do […]
Gratitude Journaling Ever thought about giving it a try? What’s all this talk about gratitude really about? Just google Gratitude Journaling and you will get information galore. Many folks swear by it and professionals often encourage it. But why? Is it really helpful? A Harvard Health Medical Newsletter, sited that there are many studies, completed […]
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