Oftentimes we are good at being compassionate towards others. We try to support those in need, care for the sick, and tend to the needs of our family and friends. Compassion is a trait that we, as social beings, use to connect and build relationships with others. But what about your relationship with yourself? How […]
Exercise – Good for the Body and Soul
We all know that exercise is good for our physical health and regular exercise is proven to lower blood pressure, heart disease and lead to a longer life. What many do not realize is the positive impact that even a few minutes of exercise can have on our mental well-being. Research has proven that […]
3 Surprising Benefits of Cuddling
Whether you’re cuddling, snuggling or nuggling (ie. naked snuggling…yes it’s a real thing), the benefits are vast. There’s even a tinder-like app called “Spoonr” (formerly “Cuddlr”) that will help you locate some platonic cuddling (I couldn’t make this up if I tried!). Check out all the reasons you should quit arguing over who gets to […]
7 Daily Habits For A Strong Relationship
Despite what cartoon princess movies illustrate for us, relationships are no easy task. As human beings, we eventually fall into rhythms, or habits. The habits we develop can have a huge impact on what kind of marriage we’re going to have. When you think of developing good habits, you […]
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