The other weekend, while on vacation, something happened to my brain. Something quite nice really. While I was floating atop a paddleboard in the middle of a quiet lake with conifers swaying the breeze and gentle waves lapping against the board, my brain took a break. Instead of thinking of the many to-do lists I […]
Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby
[Cue the infamous Salt-N- Pepa song] While the majority of my current clients are adults, in my early years as a therapist I worked primarily with children and teens. More times than I can recall I was asked about whether or not parents should try to limit their child’s exposure to sexual material. “Should I […]
Stay Organized, Stay in Control
How many times have you found yourself with your hand stuck to your forehead realizing that you had forgotten something? Maybe it was that crucial ingredient you needed from the store to make your favorite dish. Maybe you forgot it was your turn to pick up for carpool duty. Or did you forget to return that phone call, text […]
There’s an App For That! – How helpful are Mental Health Apps?
There’s an App For That! It is amazing the number of Apps there are out there! Apps are designed to entertain us, make our daily lives more simple but can they really help us with our mental health too? Maybe! You may have already seen many of the Apps, there are literally hundreds that you […]
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