Here we are halfway through June and rapidly approaching the official start of summer, but let’s be honest, many of us kicked off summer that last weekend in May. The weather is warm, pools are open, school is out, and the pressure is on to soak it all up and make and cross off every […]
Mom Brain: Why Do I Put My Keys in the Freezer And Call My Kid by the Dog’s Name?! Why Is This Happening and What Can I Do About It?
Mom Brain is a popular term these days. It seems to explain the all-encompassing nature of being a parent or primary caregiver where one’s brain is working in overdrive taking care of children and finding our way in this world, and because of this we can become overwhelmed and forgetful. We sometimes can’t remember what […]
The Bigger Picture: Acknowledging Levels of Stress and Setting Your Boundaries
We’re in it again, people. We went from not being recovered emotionally from a years long global health pandemic to the first major European war our planet has seen since WWII. You can try to avoid it, turn off the news, stick your head under a pillow, but it is happening. And it’s going to […]
The Increase in Anxiety and Depression in children during the Pandemic.
It is January 2022 and for several, we are back to quarantine and NTI ( virtual school). It is hard to believe that nearly 2 years later from the first announcement of Covid-19 we are returning back to pandemic routines. With that said, I wanted to shed some light on what us clinicians have observed […]