“I just don’t trust you,” said every person ever at some point in their lives. It’s a common topic of conversation within the therapy office, yes, but translates far beyond those walls. All human bonds, whether romantic, parent-child, family, friendship or professional, require a foundation of trust. I’ve heard it and said it, but the […]
Letting go of control – the good, the bad, the helpful
I have a new favorite word, perfect for someone who tends to be a bit of a “control freak.” I found it on one of those lists of words that have no English equivalent (which I think says a lot about our society), it’s ataraxia, from ancient Greek meaning: a state of serene calmness. Or, […]
Resist the Rush: 5 Steps to Help Calm Your Calendar
In the course of a day or week, there are likely times when it feels as though 24 hours is not enough time to get everything knocked off of your to-do list; you are always running late or you may have completely missed something that you “should” have been doing. It is times like these […]
The Free Valentine’s Day Gift that Leads to Increased Happiness No Matter Your Relationship Status
Valentine’s Day decor and gifts started filling the shelves even before clearance Christmas goodies left the scene at my local Target and Kroger stores. It seems like it’s never too soon to start thinking about the next holiday and how you can spend that hard earned money of your loved ones. Well regardless of your […]